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Shared Care Record Solution

Our Shared Care record solution is designed to improve and deliver joined-up health and social care services for Integrated Care Systems (ICS) in the UK.

Trusted by hospitals, councils and other organisations within Integrated Care Systems (ICS), Graphnet Shared Care has been developed by industry experts to help tackle health inequalities, reduce hospital admissions, improve patient engagement, join up health and social careprevent major health issues, and solve the waiting list problem.

As the leading provider of shared care records in the UK, we work with commissioners across the country to provide over 20 million individuals with better, faster and more joined up care.


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What is a Shared Care Record?


Graphnet Shared Care is a cloud-based platform that combines health and social care data from multiple disciplines to create a single, secure Shared Care Record.

Shared Care Records allow data to be drawn from and shared between a variety of sources, including:

  • Acute Hospitals: patient demographics, referrals, attendance (inpatient/outpatient, A&E), waiting list, medications, alerts, allergies, pathology results and radiology reports
  • GP Practices: patient demographics, diagnoses, treatments, medications, allergies, results, disease register, co-morbidities and family history
  • Community and Mental Health: patient demographics, care plans, problems, interventions, medical and social alerts, medications, referrals and clinical summaries
  • Social Care: care teams, keyworkers, contacts and other involvements, assessments, needs and care provision details

Relevant information can then be accessed and updated in real time by authorised people involved with the patient’s care. This improves digital communication and collaboration, allowing clinicians to deliver more efficient patient-centred care planning.

Graphnet Shared Care Features

  • Cloud-based platform: Graphnet is cloud-hosted to ensure scalability, resilience, and security. Data is processed in the Microsoft Azure cloud platform, on UK-based servers.
  • Interoperable: The platform connects with all major health and social care IT systems in the UK, with API portals available for third-party applications.
  • Single Sign-On: SSO gives authorised users direct access to patient records within their existing IT system, reducing admin time and improving efficiency.
  • Mobile: The platform is available on smartphones and tablets as well as desktop PCs, allowing care professionals to access and capture patient data wherever they need to.
  • Comprehensive digital care record: Our fully integrated records collate and display data from diverse care sectors within the community, including hospitals, GPs, community care and social care.
  • Integrated care plan: Graphnet Shared Care supports coordinated workflow management across multi-disciplinary teams, providing true patient-centred care planning. 


How does it work?

Graphnet Shared Care can operate at any of the four Shared Care Record levels – from an integrated record viewer to a complete cross-organisational care planning solution.

  • Level 1: Sharing information

Our fully integrated digital care record combines data from multiple types of organisation and across care settings within a designated community.

  • Level 2: Care planning support

At level 2, Graphnet also supports the collection and update of community-wide assessment, event-driven alerting, task management, referral, secure instant messaging, workflow and care planning applications.

Patient registers can be created using risk stratification or manual assignment. Care plans can be tailored to suit a wide range of requirements, including condition management (for example: frailty, heart failure) and end of life preferences.

  • Level 3: Patient access and engagement

At this level, patients also have access to their own shared care record: Graphnet Personal Health Record. This means they can update their own personal information and contact details, self-monitor using wearables and telehealth devices, and interact directly with clinicians in real-time to improve the management of their condition.

  • Level 4: Population health management

At the top level, Graphnet Shared Care can also be connected to our Population Health Management software to provide data-rich analytics and wider population health intelligence.

The platform allows for the analysis of aggregated patient data gathered from across a care community, using risk stratification and other tools. This can be provided in an anonymised, pseudonymised or plain form, depending on data-sharing agreements.

Case Studies

Read about our development work on the Greater Manchester Care Record (GMCR) – a Graphnet digital shared record that combines patient data for 2.8 million citizens and is being used by health and social care professionals across the region’s 10 localities.

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"CareCentric is well-liked and used by clinical staff in our Trust and across the Dorset community.”

Tracie Tiller, applications programme manager, Bournemouth & Poole Informatics Service

Six 'must-haves' shared care record checklist

Amanda Pritchard's commitment to shared care records is consistent with former NHS CEO, Simon Stevens' approach of maximising benefits by ensuring buy in and optimising cross organisational use. Graphnet's expertise in share care records means that we are well placed to offer advice on what to look for in a share care record provider. 

This paper looks at six key things to consider when buying a shared care record, including data storage, security and minimum criteria from suppliers.

Download the checklist now.

Six 'must-haves' shared care record checklist

Key features and benefits


Graphnet works in partnership with its customers to help them identify, monitor and realise benefits. The benefits of sharing data are obvious to anyone who has interacted with the NHS and social care services, either directly themselves or as someone involved in the care of relatives or friends.

The fundamental premise behind Graphnet Shared Care is to use technology and accessibility to information and drive benefits for service providers, patients and those that care for them, professionally and personally. Our focus when designing solutions is to improve the quality of life for patients and support service improvement, efficiency and cost saving opportunities for care providers.

As well as improved patient experience and outcomes, Graphnet delivers a large variety of benefits, financial savings and efficiency gains:

  • Reduced length of stay
  • Reduced A&E attendances
  • Fewer emergency admissions
  • Reduced repeat tests Integrated, unified, single view of clinical data
  • Improved medication and prescription management
  • Improved communication and access to information – no need for patient to keep providing the same information
  • A reduction in the need for, and use of, paper
  • Enabling citizen access and participation in their care
  • New models of clinician/patient interaction – scheduled according to need rather than pre-arranged clinic appointments
  • Better outcomes for patients

Graphnet Shared Care supports key government initiatives such as:

  • Integrating health and social care records
  • Sharing information across organisations and settings, breaking down barriers between GPs and hospitals, physical and mental health, health and social care
  • Electronic access to the patient record at the point of care 
  • Patient accessible records to allow for patient engagement in their health and care
  • The transformation of services to provide the new models of care envisaged in the ‘Five Year Forward View’
  • Raising digital excellence through the Global Digital Exemplar programme. As part of the System C & Graphnet Care Alliance, we offer care communities an approved GDE blueprint, developed in partnership with University Hospitals Bristol NHS FT. This blueprint covers digital transformation within a hospital and across the care community.